Saturday, August 29, 2009


What big pieces of jewelry are you wearing this season? Chunky chains, rings, belts, embellished with anything that sparkles are must haves. Whether it's rhinestones, beads, sequins, crystals, The possibilities are endless!

These gorgeous rings are from Berlin designer- Sigrid Widmoser.

Chunky jewelry is the season's centerpieces, your outfit can be plain jane, but let your accessories be the focal point. Don't overload, just because it's in. You don't want to OD on your wrists, waist, neck, etc. and start to look like it's Halloween. Remember less is still more!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hey out there!

How are you wearing your hair?

There are so many fun do's this summer.
Everyone has a right to do what they want with their hair, as long as the color suits you!
All the short haircuts are so fierce, they have me craving to chop my own!

My fave is the side shaved do! La- La is wearing it well.

It's daring and shows that you are risk taker and edgy without saying a word!

That's what great hairstyles are all about- MAKING A STATEMENT!

Is your hair making a statement?

Whatever it is, own it, work it, and wear it with the utmost confidence!

Friday, May 8, 2009



Do you have the Blues?  No, not the emotions, just the Hues!
All I can see is BLUE in my head!
I am very good at Fashion Forecasting, so my instincts have been telling me that Blue, mostly in the bright- eye popping shades will be a hit this season and future ones to come.  At first I thought it was because I'm just feeling blue all of a sudden, but every time I get that feeling about something, it comes to fruition.  

Yes, Yes, I know, you may say, "Stacy please, blue has been featured by designers on the runway for their spring/summer/fall line for 2009"  But guess what? (and  I'm a little ashamed to say) I wasn't really paying attention to the blues on the runway!
Gucci, along with Marc Jacobs,  Michael Kors and Rodarte already has some blue out in their summer collection, but it's no saturated all over the catwalks yet, which I like.....
My favorite hues hands down are the blues and cuts that belong to Gucci.

Take a look below at some of the designs from Gucci

Gucci Python platforms $1725

I love that there are different shades of blue and in a variety of styles.  Here are a few more looks.  these two 2 are from from Michael Kors.  The big polka dot dress is very similar to the Gucci dress above.

Here is a cute layered frock from Marc Jacobs and a funky one worn with fishnet leggings by Rodarte.

You know I couldn't leave you without a poppin' purse!  Beautiful blue purses by Tory Burch.

ENJOY!! And I give you permission to be BLUE!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Throw some workout swagga into your daily regimen.

Hello out there everyone in Fashion Land!

If you wanna be up on your game, there are some important things to do to and for yourself. Things that are just important in finding the right look. Well this is along those lines, so I'll just spit it out already!  What's the best accessory to  a great dress besides a great shoe?  A great pair of legs, that's right.  I know all of us weren't blessed with 'em, but everyone has room for improvement.  Think of how much more your outfit would be poppin' without stockings, or support hose!  Sure there are plenty of us with cellulite, varicose veins and other conditions that requires us to wear these garments, but the majority of us are..... well Lazy!!  That's right I said it, so   "Don't make excuses, Make progress"  Spring is here and you still have the power to turn it around before summer comes, however it takes hard work and determination.

Some tips that will aid you in bringing out the BEAST are as follows:
Yoga -if you have no time to go to the gym, get a mat and a dvd.   It is not only great for your body, but for your inner spirit as well.

Jumping rope-  It's so simple, but no one wants to do it!  It's great cardio, plus it's toning your arms and legs while skipping the calories away.

Make up a plan for yourself  and execute it in the morning, or evening whenever it's best for you.  You can do crunches, squats, push ups, jumping jacks and anything else you can think of.   
You can start off with 2 sets and 10 repetitions and increase to 4 sets and 15 reps as you get stronger.  You have to start somewhere, and it starts with you!!!!

Now watch how those beautiful garments drape on toned up legs, arms, glutes and tummies. Others and most importantly you will notice the difference. 

Now work it out and throw on your Freak'em dress!
Send pics to and I will post them on the site with what you did to achieve your goals!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is your clothing age appropriate?

Hello out there in Fashionland!  Are you dressing appropriately for your age???
Many of you may think you are, but please know just because you can fit it doesn't necessarily mean it's for you.  This goes for men and women.  I hate to admit it, but this article actually applied to me, (however, my case was minor... LOL) keep reading and you'll see why.

I see these bloopers on a daily basis and i say to myself "WHY?", but I can only assume. 

1. You want to relive some of your teen years

2. You want to show the youngin' that you look just as good as them or better in their gear.

3. You are reminiscing physically, I mean literally!

4. All of your clothes were in the laundry and you had to borrow from a younger sibling/child because you could only fit that person's clothing.

When I had the idea for this article I was shopping for my little sister who is 14 years old.  I fell in love with a pair of Harajuku Lovers sneakers.  I said, "I have to get these for her!" They were something that I'd totally wear, or would have worn had i been years younger!  The funny thing was, I told myself that if they had 2 pairs I'd get one for her and one pair for me, and sure enough there was one size 8 and one size 8 1/2.  Perfect, I thought, one for Kendra and one for me, it's meant to be!  

Here's a hint -when you think you're too mature for something, you most likely are; especially If you have to ask someone else's opinion.  I took a pic of the sneakers and sent it to my friend Yoko, who by the way loves to dress fun, funky and young.  She saw the pic and text me a bold "Hell NO!"  I was shocked that she of all people would say no.  I bought the sneakers anyway.  I got home and tried them on with some skinny jeans- "Uhn, Uhn" I said while shaking my head in the full length mirror) I said "Oh no, I'm being the person that I am about to write about!"  It was like I was in denial.  I then sent the picture to my husband and he pretty much had the same response as my friend!  I immediately took off the sneakers, put them back in the bag with the receipt and returned them the following day.

A week before this I was chuckling to myself at an older woman at the gym who was well over 60 and she had on a hoodie, but get this - it had bright colors and designs all over it, I thought to myself "Granny where the hell are you going with your grand daughter's hoodie?!!"   

She was beaming and I knew she felt wonderful.  More often than admitted, our clothing have substantial psychological meaning behind it.  It may remind us of good places in our lives, comfortable places, safe places... the list goes on, but enough of the violins playing in the back!
Take it off! Take it off!  Guys and gals wear things that are age appropriate.

Granny could still have fun with her clothing by putting on colorful panties or socks, undergarments represent our personality as well without making us look too juvenile- well at least to the public.  A brightly colored printed bag, earrings or a bright color wrap/sweater can also represent our fun side.  A garment that has a great design can also show our personality, it doesn't have to be bright, but if it's detailed nicely with  something like 3/4 length sleeves, or even embellishments it totally exudes personality.  Check out these 2 hoodies from Forever21, both priced under $25.  Perfect store for grandma to get that hoodie since she feels 21!

For my scenario, a pair of all star converse would work.
 I could just get a pair in a metallic silver or bronze which shows my fun side, but it doesn't look like I'm trying to be too young, plus these go better with  Gucci or Louie bag! You have to know when to snap out of it and I'm glad I returned my purchase before receiving a ticket from the Fashion Police for Juvenile Delinquency!

Now guys, I don't talk to you much, but I am now. Once you hit about 25 years old, it's time to put those darn colorful hoodies up yourself!  
This is not attractive to the opposite sex, unless you are trying to gain the attention from the younger crowd.  

Women will not take you seriously dressing in clothes targeted towards high school students!  Look at these styles above, if you own any that is even similar, please burn them, or better yet donate them to a charity or your nearest Salvation Army.

It's funny that while I'm writing this article I came across another article that I posted below on Pharell Williams- music producer and owner of the Billionaire Boys Club.  I think it's really interesting to hear the story behind the clothing which confirms number 1 listed above.
Here Pharell describes the hoodies that are in his clothing line.
"The patterns are like children's wallpaper gone out of control," Pharrell told the New York Times.  "I'm reliving my childhood in clothing. This generation is like that. We all hit our 30's and want to be kids. We like breakfast cereal beyond breakfast hours, and we're into SpongeBob." (Interview 2006)

Pharell's line does have some nice mature pieces that still has a fun side to it without being too kiddie-ish.  View this link and swap out the colorful hoodie for this one.

Hey I know the new saying is "30 is the new 20", but please not the gear too.  Stay vivacious, open minded and step out and take more risks.   Rocking these hoodies and other juvenile clothing aren't taking much of a risk at all, it's trendy and over done (sooo 2006!) so take a real Fashion risk and step up your game, grown man style, grown woman style.  Don't be afraid to release the FASHIONBEAST that lives in you! 

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sunday's Best or Sunday's Mess?

Do you go to the house of the Lord in appropriate clothing?

Times are-a-changing and church attire is becoming more and more casual.
I know that it stems from the church's obligation to "save souls".   The church wants all of us, (God's children) to come hear the word of God and has been a bit mute about the attire of the parishioners.  The terms used are "come as you are", and though the Lord does not discriminate, I think that we can do him one better and dress respectively.  Since when did your clubbing gear become church attire?

Many will love to dig their claws into me for this one, but instead of shredding me, try shredding some of your trashy frocks for ones that everyone (with class) wants to rock! and receive smiles from "The Ultimate Rock" (That's Jesus for those of you who didn't know).  
Please don't think you can get away with "I don't worship Jesus, so this article doesn't apply to me!"

Oh Yes it does!  It doesn't matter whether you practice Buddhism, Scientology, if you're Muslim, Jewish, Rastafarian, etc.  Whatever your religious obligations are, your leader and most high wants to see you giving them all glory and come to their house of worship with respectable clothing.

Any skirt that comes to the knee or below should be good, if it's a little above the knee, that's fine, as long as it's not more than 2 inches above, then we're moving backwards.  An A- Line skirt is flattering for any body shape and is good for disguising bottom- heavy figures.  It should fit by skimming the hips, then flaring out gently wider toward the bottom thereby resembling
the letter A.  

This beautiful skirt is by Carolina Herrera- $1,990 which can be found at Saks Fifth Avenue.  
It can still show the beauty of your shape without screaming "Hey elders, check out my butt!"

Other flattering choices are pencil skirts,
  solids or prints, there are so many to choose from.  The white pencil skirt is belted by Elysee for a mere $78.00.   The black pencil skirt has ruching detail on the side and is only $23.50 by Wet Seal, it even comes in sizes up to 3x.  

I'm not at all ruling out wearing pants.  A great pair of slacks, khaki pants or even denim  are fine paired with a nice top, like this one from Forever 21. It's flowy, still accentuates your curves, but it's not so tight that we can see your ribs or what you had for breakfast.

The problem is when clothes are too tight and cause attention to your body parts and not the body of Christ.

I mean, we are women and our anatomy will be on display regardless, but it is the taste in which you display it that differentiates your best from a mess.

Take a look at these tasteful classics below from Ann Taylor's Loft.
The floral skirt is $69 and the pleated skirt is $59.

Flare skirts, and pleating are choices that are always timeless.  Prints a re big on the runway this season and come in various shades, psychedelics, floral, geometric shapes, animal skins and more!

Your tops are not exempt ladies.  Since when was showing all of this skin appropriate for the sanctuary?  I know, I know, sometimes it's mucho caliente outside and/or you may have other engagements to attend after service.  When leaving the house just be sure and grab a little cardigan like this one below (Forever 21- $17.80) to cover up when you're in church and then when you walk out - Bladow!  Show off your shoulder all you like with this cute one shoulder blouse by Australian designer Shona Joy for $209.00.

 Remember it's all about the way your clothes fit and how you feel in them.  If you have to question "Is it appropriate?" 9 times out of 10 it isn't.  You don't have to let it all hang out to bring your inner Fashionbeast out!  Now Let 'er rip!!!!! & I don't mean the clothes!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Just because your accessories and clothing are the same color does not mean that they compliment each other!  Let me give you some examples of what I mean:

You're going to hang out with some friends and you pair this plaid zip up with these earrings!!!


What are you doing ??? No, no, no, go back in the house quickly and put these on please!

 These are much more suitable for your outfit.  They are still textured just in case you want to be a little more than basic.  Hoops are almost always a sure bet.  They come in many colors and sizes, choose what's appropriate for your overall look.  For those of you who have the audacity to ask "what's wrong with wearing the red ones?"  The answer is, it's soooo wrong for this sweater because they're too dressy!  You shouldn't pair casual clothing with dressy earrings, at least not in this case! It's different if you were wearing a white tank, tight blue jeans and wore those chandelier earrings with a pair of red pumps!  Then you would be red hot, but with this get up, you're definitely not!

Here's an example of  matching = getting it right

These earrings which can be found at Forever 21 are totally cute and amps up this lil' BCBG dress which can be worn with flats or heels.  
Bare shoulders always compliments hanging earrings which elongates the neck,  therefore giving off the illusion of a leaner appearance, not that your seeking to be leaner, just thought I'd state the facts.

Next time you go to your box of accessories, please make sure you make the right choice, and remember, it doesn't always go together because it matches!  If you know anyone who makes these mistakes, please find them and spread the knowledge. You want them to find their inner FASHIONBEAST!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Michelle Obama, A True FashionBeast!

Does your fashion have any swagga?  Well Michelle Obama's definitely does!  
Since Michelle stepped on the scene, we've been intrigued by her fashion sense.  
Michelle's choices are always  well tailored and professional.  She's not one to get wrapped up in a trend just for the season, her style is classic and timeless.  A woman after my own heart! LOL!  Here's Michelle rocking some of our favorite outfits.  The list seems endless!  From fundraisers, to award ceremonies, along the campaign trail, leading up to our president's victory and inauguration.  

Even though our president's wardrobe is somewhat limited as  our Commander in Chief, he will always have the perfect accessory..... his wife!  The always Beautiful and Confident Michelle Obama!  Don't get me wrong, President Barack Obama is a very handsome man, and can definitely hold his own- that's not even a question; however his favorite tie, his favorite pair of cuff links, designer shoes, or most expensive suit could never make him look as good as she does by his side.  I'm sure he'd agree to that.  

Here she is, Mrs. America indeed.
Here's Michelle looking gorgeous at a Calvin Klein fundraiser in an all black ensemble by Isabel Toledo which seems to be one of her favorite designers.  That gorgeous necklace adorning her neck is by Tom Binns.  This look says I'm sexy, confident and it commands attention.

I'm so loving this blouse.  Unlike many first lady's Michelle is not afraid to show off those great arms.  When your arms are toned as hers are, you'd have to think twice about wearing any sleeves at all!  Ruffled blouses and pencil skirts are always a hit in my book, the thick belt, not only cinches the waist, but it gives the outfit more personality.

Look at them!  Their fashion choices always compliment one another.

At Oprah's Legend Ball looking stunning in white taffeta.

On the campaign trail, professional, but still chic.

Michelle can seemingly pull off any color.  Here she is wearing Maria Pinto at her speech at the democratic convention.  I like that she always adds her own touch to her outfits, such as this brooch.  Even though it's a designer dress, she always gives her signature at the end of the statement.

Peep the color of his tie and her dress by Thakoon; how perfectly coordinated are they?  
She wore this the night our president accepted the nomination for the Presidency of The United States of America.  I think she could've worn something with a little bit more oomph, or at least a higher heel, but she was still classy, just simple.  Hey its easy for any of us to say, but who knows how many hours she was standing, not to mention working and looking good while doing it!

Love this outfit, and once again matching her man.  I love that his ties are sometimes coordinated with her garments!  A true team at work!

Didn't we just love this purple sleeveless sheath by Maria Pinto.  A sheath dress is even better when paired with a great belt!  A happy color for a happy moment, Barack Obama claiming the Democratic Presidential nomination!

Oh, how green with envy were some when they saw how gorgeous she looked in this suit?  Not everyone can pull off this color you know!

What a beautiful and fashionable family!  I know it's a possibility that they may have a stylist, I get that, but your preference for fashion and taste always shines through; whether its good or bad.  Thank God it's good for the Obama's.  I'm sure that Sasha and Malia will follow their mom's footsteps.  She has a proclivity for fashion and I'm sure it will be innate for the girls as well!  They have already been bit by the fashion bug, can't you see it in their eyes?

Isn't she lovely???  Absolutely beautiful in this floral halter dress designed by Maria Pinto.  
Yes I said Maria Pinto, once again!  Don't you just love her loyalty to designers she prefers!  
I Love Barack's suit as well.  I'm sure they were turning heads at the NAACP Awards. 

A day that made me more proud to be an American.  November 4, 2008.  I knew when I woke up to rain at 4:47 AM that morning that it would be a historical day.  She looks absolutely F-a-b-u-l-o-u-s in Narciso Rodriguez, another designer whom she loves to wear.  This is from his spring 2009 collection.  Don't worry ladies you have a little time left to try and get one, and oh yeah, Malia you are working that outfit girl!

On the day of the Inauguration, here is our classic beauty once again dressed to the nines in Isabel Toledo.  This lemongrass ensemble was simply beautiful and very refreshing.  She chose not to be in dark colors due to cold weather and I like that.  Just because it's cold or gloomy out doesn't mean your wardrobe has to mirror that.  I really loved this, especially the pairing of the leather gloves in a deeper green and Forest green Jimmy Choo's!  Take a tip from the First Lady ladies,  just because you wear a color doesn't mean you have to clone that same exact color all over your body!  The green family is big and she chose to use some of it's relatives for her accessories! 
You are such a FASHIONBEAST Michelle!  LOVE IT! 

Here is Michelle our timeless beauty in an original Jason Wu gown. It fits her nicely, it  was elegant and not over the top.  The dress was beautifully made, delicate, and complimented her without being overbearing; which is how I view her and our president's relationship to be.

They compliment each other, they have real love for each other, and the beauty of that exudes their very beings when we're graced by their presence, whether it be on television, computer, or in person!  We love you Michelle and Barack Obama.  Keep up the phenomenal work, in the White House and in the House of Fashion!